Shoats family Tree

Mary Antonia Hyder

Samuel Brown and Martha Prescott
Samuel Prescott and Molly Drake
Simon Drake and Judith Perkins
John and Hannah Prescott
Samuel Prescott and Mary Sanborn
Deacon James Prescott and Maria Marston
James Prescott and Mary Boulter
Opal Edith Johnson
William Henry Shoats
Joseph Diego Shoats
May Brown
Gilford Hyder and Estaivana Martin
Hiram Turner Brown
Johnathan M. Brown & Susan Turner
Mary Antonia Hyder
William Henry Shoats & Rosaria C
Hamilton H shoats & Evelin De
Johnathan Hyder & Maria Stauckton
Paternal Pedigree chart
Jacob shoat and Lucy Fulcher
pending investigations
Photos to ID

Mary Antonia Hyder b. 13 Jun 1873 in Golden, Santa Fe, New Mexico.  Daughter of Gilford Calvine Hyder and Mary Lucero (Estaivana Martin?).  d. 17 feb 1945 in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Married Hiram Turner Brown. Second Husband Alford Ransom


In the 1910 Census, It shows Mary Brown as being a Widow.
Though according to our Death Certificate Hiram T. Brown
died in 1920 ten years later.
Is this a miss print?

Mary talked of growing up around Golden, NM and told stories of her uncle and others going out after a rain and panning for gold.  Sometimes finding nuggets in addition to the gold dust. Other stories were about living in Estancia Valley, NM and going with the family whom she was living with to a small town named Willard to get salt from the Salt Lakes.  Another of her stories was how she enjoyed the evening at the ranch house when the "Cowboys" would come in from the range. She told of having attended the "Rough Riders Reunion" in Las Vegas, NM, with her husband Hiram T. Brown about 1910, she divorced Hiram Brown and in 1911 married Alford Monroe Ransom.  In 1925, she and Alford pretty much assumed the responsibility of raising the three sons of her youngest daughter May who had been widowed.


Mary Hyder Brown Ransom

  1. Leonard Brown b. 30 May 1894 d. 14 Sep 1896
  2. Bertha Brown b. 5 May 1896 Santa Fe, NM d. 1 Feb 1897
  3. Harry Turner Brown b. 12 Mar 1898 Santa Fe, NM d. 5 Sep 1948 Bell,Los Anglles, CA . M. Edna Hyder in 1919 both are buried in Forest Lawn Cemetary (edna died first) No children by this marriage.  Harry was in the first world war.
  4. Josephine Florence Brown b 9 May 1900 in Santa Fe, NM. d. 21 July 1934 in Albuquerque, NM. (Burried as Josie F. McGaffick in Sunset Memorial in NM.) M. Joseph Beck (m. Harry G. McGaffick who died 1956 in Albone, NY)
  5. May Brown b. 7 Mar 1904 in Santa Fe, NM d. 29 Jan 1961 in Los Angles, CA. M. Joseph Shoats

Mama May Brown and Mary Hyder and May's boys William, Hiram and Joe Taken: abt 1927



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April 17, 1989
Joe Shoats
Letter from family
Family Bible
Feb 17, 1945
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Death Certificate
April 15, 1910
Albuquerque, New Mexico
June 9th, 1900
Santa Fe, Precinct #11, New Mexico