Shoats family Tree

William Henry Shoats
Samuel Brown and Martha Prescott
Samuel Prescott and Molly Drake
Simon Drake and Judith Perkins
John and Hannah Prescott
Samuel Prescott and Mary Sanborn
Deacon James Prescott and Maria Marston
James Prescott and Mary Boulter
Opal Edith Johnson
William Henry Shoats
Joseph Diego Shoats
May Brown
Gilford Hyder and Estaivana Martin
Hiram Turner Brown
Johnathan M. Brown & Susan Turner
Mary Antonia Hyder
William Henry Shoats & Rosaria C
Hamilton H shoats & Evelin De
Johnathan Hyder & Maria Stauckton
Paternal Pedigree chart
Jacob shoat and Lucy Fulcher
pending investigations
Photos to ID


William Henry Shoats born June 8th 1923 in Albuquerque, NM. Son of Joseph Diego Shoats and May Brown.  Also known as Bill... William died 21st of April 2009 in Longview,WA and was buried next to Opal at Sunset Park, in Albuquerque, NM on April 30th 2009.  M. Opal Edith Johnson on 8th Oct 1940 in Albuquerque, NM
Baptised at the Old Town Catholic Church in Albuquerque, NM (see picture on home page) as Engermo Herdricka Shots.

I met Opal at a bible club called the "Miracle Book Club" for teenagers.  We were both going to the old Albuquerque High school on Central ave., and broadway.  The day we decided to get married, Opal's mom and dad gave Opal her school money to buy books and we decided to use that to buy the marriage license.  So that day, we borrowed my grandfathers 1929 buick and drove 15 miles to Bernalillo, NM courthouse to buy our licenses.  We took my little brother Joe, who was only 14 years old to be our witness.  Well, Opal, would not lie about her age so we were told to go get her parents permission.  We drove back to Albuquerque and just as we got to right in front of Opals house we ran out of gas. Opal's dad, about 6' and 200 poundsseen us and came out and had a few bad words to say, Boy was he mad about boys having his daughter out. So Joe and I just bowed our heads, I'm sure we prayed as we slowley pushed the car away from the house. 
A couple of days later Opal and I met at the Hight school and laid our our second plan. We would go 14 miles south to Los Lunas, NM and buy our license in another county, so no one would know us.  By now I convinced Opal to exaggerate her age. this time it worked. We got the licenses and drove back to Albuquerque.  Now we don't have any money for gas or to go back that night to get married, or pay the pastor and go on a honey moon.

My grandfather had bought a new battery to put in the Buick and this gave me an idea.  Hock the battery, brilliant idea!  Until I had to tell where the battery went to.  Thant night Oct 8, 1940 was the night.  by the time we bought the gas, we had two dollars left.. One dollar for the minister and one dollar for the honey moon. The rest is history.
Now what to do? No job, no education, no place to live, no money, no inheritance and no battery.  Then comes our first child, Billy and also world War II.   Now we were beginning to understand what the word "responsibility" really means. 
Now all this happened before welfare, aid to dependent children, social security, tv, microwaves, Natural gas, cd's tape decks, computers, insdie toilets, and almost before electricity. finally one of Mama May's children left the nest.  Someone said they heard her say "Lord I sure pray they learn how to fly".

June 1 1980 William was ordained Deacon at Lime Ave. Baptist Church, Long Beach, CA
July 27, 1987 Licensed to preach by Carson Baptish Church, Carson, CA

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April 29, 2009
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